Whilst visiting Bath, LOW PROFILE had the pleasure of meeting with Pauline from Bath Ethnic Minority Senior Citizens Association (BEMSCA) where the group is based at Fairfield House. Not only were BEMSCA an exciting and interesting group, but Fairfield House is a hidden gem of Bath and we are happy to have unearthed it.
BEMSCA was formed in 1993 to provide a Luncheon Club, information and advice to the Caribbean, Asian and Chinese elders in Bath after a study showed that ethnic minority elders were at risk from language barriers, social isolation and inadequate access to services.
From opening one day a week at Riverside Youth and Community Centre, it went to two days (Monday & Friday) a week in 1995 to a new home at Fairfield House in Kelston Road. The project was managed by Steering Group and the Management Committee was formed in October 1995.
BEMSC now provide a Luncheon Club on Mondays and Fridays, increase awareness of available Statutory and Voluntary service provisions, provide information and advice services to BME Senior Citizens and aim to do so in the users languages. They celebrate their culture, backgrounds, experience and languages by bringing together people from different minority ethnic groups to share those things. Picture in the Paper aims to celebrate the distinctiveness and diversity of the people of Bath and it was affirming to meet with a group that had this sentiment at the core of it.