LOW PROFILE meets Combe Down Mining Group

Coombe Down Mines Group Following on from their meeting with Bath Mums founder, Lisa Spiegel, LOW PROFILE met with the Combe Down Mines Interpretation Centre Group. This group was suggested for Picture in the Paper by none other than the mayor herself, Councillor Cherry Beath.

The mayor is a member of this group and wanted us to meet them to hear more about their project which they are all devoted to. The Combe Down mines were home to Oolite stone, the honey coloured stone that Bath is built from. The mines posed a huge threat to the homes and businesses of the area leaving massive voids below them from Combe Down 2the over mining of this iconic resource. Bath and North East Somerset Council completed a huge-scale stabilisation project in 2009 using government funds saving the area but forever filling in and sealing the mines below. Now this group are working with the Combe Down Heritage Society to make sure the history of the mines will be visible to all by way of the Combe Down Mining Interpretation Centre which is due to launch any day now.

It was lovely to meet a group of people who had all been through the negative experience of potentially loosing their home but had so much love and respect for where they lived. Their knowledge of the history of the mines was astounding and they were more than enthusiastic to share it with LOW PROFILE which gave them an really strong bond as a group.